20 March 2015

Some wandering thoughts

I have one extra moment to write some thoughts. But, first things first – here’s a photo of two creatures that I found in a newspaper:


Why do people pay anyone to do anything? Today my mind wanders in this direction: The money that is normally spent on payroll should be used to purchase weapons instead – then businesses could just force their employees to labor. In the long run, this would improve the profit margin. People remain married to avoid the horrors of loneliness, not because they’re paid to be a spouse.

And if a person believes that God controls all aspects of chance, how can that person sell insurance – or even buy it – without suffering pangs of conscience? Perhaps God is secretly in cahoots with the insurance companies. (Why is God always so secretive, by the way?) When you roll dice, it compels God to get up off his throne and cause probability to function: This is why some religious people renounce gambling. But those same people pray to God habitually – isn’t this just as presumptuous? Prayer forces God to act when He would prefer to rest.

Also, I’m puzzled by the line that is drawn between ‘proper’ and ‘improper’ financial exchange. Why is it OK to profit from healthcare but not from lovemaking? Why don’t bank clerks charge extra for fresh-smelling breath, or for service with a smile?

My dad owned a trucking company, and, when he got sick and couldn’t manage the business anymore, he had to sell it, instead of passing it on to his children; because neither I nor my siblings wanted the chore of running it. I wonder if the sons and daughters of brutal dictators might do the same: Maybe the evilest government only lasts one single generation, because its leaders’ progeny rebel into enlightenment.

But then I remember that there are also children who obey their parents, and who follow in their parents’ wicked footsteps.

If humans were to engage in a contest with cockroaches, the goal of which would be to breed the most offspring, I wonder who would win. At a prior point in history, from what I gather, it was more difficult to raise healthy humans beyond infancy and into adulthood, because the environmental threats to life were severe, and the death rate was high – so, back then, the act of spawning multitudes was considered an accomplishment. That’s why, when God promised to give one particular man more children than the sky has stars, Abram was overjoyed rather than worried. Instead of being concerned about how he might afford to feed so many mouths, Abram simply thought: “I’m happy that God shall grant me a litter of billions – this way, a few of the babes might survive and bear further offspring, which will help to ensnare futurity with my religion.”

Today we have numerous medical advancements and fertility drugs; yet many people celebrate when they hear the report of a new birth, as if we still live in antiquity and such things are rare.

But do you think of viruses as new life setting up shop inside of you? Should you be flattered that the viruses or bacteria chose your body to call their universe? It’s almost like finding true love. And when you fight off your illness, you’re like a deity punishing your world with a Final Judgment. So it’s easy to see why the good Lord hates humankind: for, the more we thrive, the worse God’s fever gets.

Back to prostitution: Isn’t a psychologist, or any similar kind of analyst, really just someone offering friendship for pay? Here’s what I mean. A friend listens to one’s troubles with sympathy and then responds with care – but the best friends invoice you for this service.

My time is up. I have to end this now.

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