27 September 2015

More murmuring about Christianity

I apologize to myself for posting so much religious drivel lately. Being of the Devil’s party, I hate religion & would rather consign it to oblivion. But I’m also paid in happiness to commit wrongdoings; so I’ve copied into my public diary the following spiel that I blabbed on the antisocial network (from back in the days before I killed my account). All praise Feindster.

From an online comment:

As I said before, I’ve long been infatuated with the King James Bible. After my church stint, my interest remains as strong as ever (not even the church could lessen my care for this miscellany)—I love it sincerely, but my interest is entirely aesthetic. My favorite books are Job, Ecclesiastes, and Jonah. Also Genesis-Exodus-Numbers, and the books of Samuel. And the Song of Solomon. Plus the prophets.

I despise the god Yahweh as a reality, but I love him as a character. I love a lot (but far from all) of what the gospel writers allow their Jesuses to say; and my favorite gospel (by far) is old Saint Mark’s.

Now that you’re asleep, I will spew my opinion about the new fad that is sweeping the nation: the retooling of Christianity.

I just wish that Christianity would go the way of the Greek myths. My experience has been that people tend to read Homer and the Athenian dramatists for pleasure more than for spiritual guidance – least of all for any kind of religious credo. I can’t wait for the day when people think of Yahweh and Jesus the same way that they think of Zeus and Herakles.

Because I wish that Christianity would fully collapse rather than receive mending, my reaction to [author’s name removed because he would not allow me one penny for mentioning him in my non-monetized blog] is ambivalent. He and I are on the same page, regarding the need for a major change in perspective toward Christi­anity; but I think that revising the cult, as he wants to do, will only allow the poison of its system to continue to infect more of futurity’s minds: thus wasting the precious time of potential geniuses, and impeding the blossoming of humanity.

So it’s precisely because I generally agree with the philosophies of [author’s name removed because he would not pay me twenty-five pesos for mentioning him in my nonprofit diary] that I wish he would avoid implementing them: I think that if the Christian fundamentalists are allowed to have a monopoly on the faith, it will be easier for all future minds to see how wrong it is; and then the Christian faith will finally die. As Jesus himself says (John 12:24):

Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

I’m persuaded that once Christianity is abandoned as a form of worship, it will be seen for what it is: a few interesting poetic tales and a whole bunch of Pauline madness (I say this as a compliment – I prefer to read Saint Paul as Year Zero Dada) – and this improved, clarified perception of those ancient ideas will bring forth much better fruit; especially when compared to modernity’s hemming and hawing about reform.

People speak of Christianity as if it is computer software that needs a crucial update. I’m for shutting down the system.

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