27 August 2018

Help thou mine unbelief

Dear diary,

Are you an atheist or a theist? Those are your only choices. Let’s say you’re an atheist; that’ll make it easier to prove my point. (I have a point that I want to ram down the throat of my reader, at the start of this entry.) OK, let’s begin:

Money is no more real than God. Churches have creeds. Creed’s root word is credo, the Latin for “I believe”. Credo means FAITH. In my developing years, when I was an awkward teenager, I invented the following definition in a note to the Hebrews (1:11).

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Creed... credo… this same word becomes our English credit. It’s all about trust in non-visible evidence. You must have faith, or else the church cannot control you. Likewise, you must have faith, or else the bank cannot control you. In short: You must be credulous, or else.

Think about it: your credit card is literally a faith card.

If we choose to disbelieve in God, God loses all power over us. And if we stop having faith in money, money’s power disappears.

So why do we atheists STILL believe in these things? Why do we continue to worship both money and God?

The brief answer is that, although neither God nor money can do anything in and of themselves, they both act and exist thru living humans; thus if your comrades believe in God and have FAITH in the current financial system, those human zealots will cause you pain & death, unless you bow under their yoke. (Which yoke they do not see as theirs but as belonging to truth.)

So that’s the simple answer. But I still wanna do one of those things where I add a series of statements while employing terms like “thirdly”, “fourthly”, & “fifthly”, because piling points upon points makes a scam more convincing. So, here, I’ll ask the very same question again:

Why do we atheists still endure these things? Why keep paying lip service to money and God? (Lip service is an idiom that means “giving approval or support insincerely”.)

First, because we know that, for the power of God or money to be neutralized permanently, society must disbelieve collectively – we must ALL awake at the very same time. And that aint happenin’ till Tuesday.

Lastly, we keep faith in the LORD and legal tender, despite knowing better, because (and this is a repeat of the answer that I initially gave above – I mean that first brief summary: I copy it again, here at the end of a long list of bullet points, so as to give it the climactic force that it deserves) loss of faith comes at a price. I’m not talking about a money-cost: I’m talking about the only price that matters, and which does not require faith but acts upon its subject regardless of any belief or trust in its power: that is PAIN and ultimately DEATH.

If you just say no to God, the church nails you up. They crucify you. So that’s why, unless you’re Jesus the Messiah, you maintain faith in what you know to be false: you wish to avoid expiring in ignominy.

If you just say no to money, the bank’s militia rings on your doorbell. They say “Hi, we’re here on behalf of the Bigger Biggest Bank; would you like to pay what you owe?” And instead of telling the truth, (“No one owes you anything”), you happily join in the falsehood: you beckon them to the secret panel in your wall, which leads, by way of a tunnel, to a secluded area of your yard, near the chicken coop, where your treasure is stashed: That’s where your heart is (Matt. 6:21); that’s where you keep a wheelbarrow heaping with banknotes. (So much depends upon that red wheelbarrow glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens.)

But here’s another detail that puzzles me: Why does anyone work for the Big Bank Militia? I mean, these are individual human beings – what are they thinking, as they fill out their employment application form? Do they ENJOY the thought of waving a gun in the face of poor people and stealing their wheelbarrows? I guess they must; otherwise, why accept the job?

Ah but maybe the militiamen, the mercenaries of capitalism (the foot-soldiers, not the fat-cats; the storm-troopers as opposed to the storm-gods), are simply down on their luck. They might have chosen to work for the inhumane forces, because the alternative was even less humane. They might’ve thought to themselves: “Either I watch my family die a slow death of starvation, or I torment other folks like us & earn crumbs from the masters’ feast: They say they’ll pay me semimonthly!”

So again we have this threat of pain & death. It appears that if you’re willing to wield such terrors against others, you can get pretty much what you want from the world. That’s called The Good Life.

But I don’t like where this entry is going. I don’t like my moralizing tone. Whose idea was it, anyway, to write about the holiness of cash and Good God’s evil church? Can’t any old hack do that? You should accept a genuine challenge and try to stand up for the banks. Be a champion for the truly downtrodden.

Alright, instead of focusing on all the obvious mistakes that my client has made (my client is the U.S. banking system, the God of this world), let’s consider the far more overwhelming evidence of his consistent lovingkindness.

Who invented the human breast, its gorgeous curve, and the milk that it dispenses to helpless infants? That’s right: the U.S. banking system. (With a little help from the church also.) And who invented the deer that walk upon our mountains, and the quail that whistle about us? That’s right: the U.S. banking system.

So that takes care of the good things; now for the bad...

Who invented pain and death? Direct democracy.

So you can’t trust the low regular people who lack any inheritance and own no media conglomerates and did not even marry a hedge-fund manager to pull the levers of this world. This world belongs to you and me. Just us two. Jehovah and Lucifer.

“But,” you ask, “what shall we do about our poor boy Jesus?”

In the immortal words of President Nixon: “FUCK’M.”

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