04 September 2018


This is a photo that I found on the refrigerator at my mom's house. I think it depicts my mom with three of her fellowsufferers. Altho her politics are right, my mom is the sufferer on the far left. I espied this photo while we were staying at her mansion during our recent misfortunes (our moving from hovel to hovel), and I decided to scan it, but I had packed my own trusty scanner away and stored it in storage, so I was forced to use the scanner in my mom's office. Now, when I turned on the device, it immediately assumed that I wanted to PRINT the photo, so it printed it, "full color", thus, so as to not waste ink, I scanned the printed image and overlaid it on the... Well, you either get the picture or you don't:

Lastly, here are some cutouts from local ads, which I assembled quickly in case the above idea failed (as it did) — so let this serve as this entry's official obligatory image:

Dearest diary,

I haven’t reported to you for ages, which is to say about fourteen moments, because, in the space between the previous entry and now, I’ve translocated to my new cell (I should say “my new house”, but it still feels like jail), and there’s been no time to write. All I’ve been doing is hauling boxes and furniture back and forth between vehicles, entryways, and floors. And feeling very nervous. That’s called MOVING. And then when I go to sleep at night, I lie awake on a mattress and hear the roaring traffic plus a constant stream of airplanes, also doors of motorized vehicles slamming and slamming.

We’re poor in a new way. All of us. We’re poor in a new way. After all these ages of innovation, we’ve struck upon a brand-new way to be poor.

Instead of slaving away for Mother Nature, we slave for…

I stop myself mid-thot because I don’t want to write a manifesto. All the manifestos of the past failed, and all the manifestos of the future will fail. —So what should one do, if one dislikes all givens and wants to persuade others to lift our…

I’ll leave this finished.

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