03 February 2019

Controccupation Demobster

Dear diary,

In yesterday's entry, I talked about why I now wanna abandon my use of the terms 'socialism' & 'communism', just as I abandoned the words 'right' & 'left', and 'liberal' & 'conservative'; as I think, at least here in the U.S., this terminology serves more to confuse than to communicate; and I'm mostly interested in the clear conveyance of points, when it comes to politics, cuz my goal is to awake from the nightmare of political thinking, so that I can sleep forever in the Heaven of Heavens: POETRY (which can be as confusing as it wants, cuz I love to wrestle it). After that Feb 2 entry, a good friend sent me a postcard that said:

Why do you insist on using this phrase "mob rule"? It sounds disgusting; yet it seems like you're advocating it. Are you being ironic?

Now let me clear up this issue. My thots are as follows:

I am FOR the mobs AGAINST the mob

I believe that if one's idea is correct, one should be able to converse about it using the most derogatory, insulting, contemptuous phrasing, and the idea will still appear attractive. So I love the concept of democracy, which, to me, means "ALL people of a country get to decide how to order their own government" (as opposed to only ONE person getting to rule over all the people, or a nest of ninnies ruling the remainder) but certain jerks who believe that only a tiny assembly of ultra rich prigs should continue to rule over all, have commandeered the label "democracy" for their team, and they use this word wrongly, but since the meaning of words is determined by usage, that word "democracy" has come to be seen as a synonym for capitalism! like, when capitalists invade a nation so as to exploit it, they say "We are bringing democracy to this place."

I say, certain jerks who are actually anti-democracy have stolen the word democracy; and I'm trying to accept this. True, direct democracy equals rule by the people, ALL people (one person one vote): and many figureheads & posterfolk & usurpers of the term "democracy" actually loathe democracy, which is why they slander it by calling it "mob rule": they wish to scare people into thinking that if all of us commoners were to attempt governing ourselves, the result would be chaotic, disasterous; so these jerks and prigs, when pressed to be more accurate with their speech, recommend the weak sauce "representative democracy".

In other words, We the People do not get to govern ourselves but rather we get to choose from candidates pre-selected by the rich prigs, and these candidates will then preside over us and do the governing while we watch helplessly on the sidelines and just suffer in poverty. (You should see how hot I am, as I compose this.) I repeat, these jerks try to cajole us away from the system that would REALLY benefit us, by downplaying true direct actual unadulterated democracy straight no chaser – this genuine democracy, they call MOB RULE. Self-leadership by the stupid lowlifes: We the People are a sea of fools.

So I, even I, Bryan Ray, say unto these jerks and prigs: "Fine, I'll use your loaded, biased phrase. I'll own it. Henceforth I'm all for MOB RULE." But the problem is that I'm not very good at what I do: I'm rather sloppy at my job. (I work as an unpaid propagandist for the downtrodden.) So, in the aforesaid entry, I tried to cheerlead in favor of "pure mob rule" as a concept synonymous with "direct democracy", but I forgot that the word "mob" has this connotation with the type of mafia thugs that actually DO run our government. The mob, with their tommy guns. (Or by now I suppose they have more up-to-date models of firearm, but I call them "tommy guns" cuz I'm stuck in the past: I like watching old Hollywood movies, gangster films from the 40s and 50s.)

Anyway, I hope that explains what I was trying to do. I think I'll continue to use the phrase for at least a little while longer, to see if I can get it to take off, pick up some traction & go viral. But just understand that if you hear me touting "mob rule" at your local dining establishment, when I deliver my stump speech during "Open Mic Night" (for your favorite upscale eatery has a number of tables situated in front of a stage where nightly amateur comics & singers perform; and sometimes I Bryan give abrasive contentious political rants at that very microphone), do not fear: I am simply pushing direct democracy.

Plus maybe someday I'll change my mind about democracy itself. Maybe I'll convert to believing in oligarchy, which is when a small group of people has control of a country; or plutocracy, which means "government by the wealthy". Maybe I'll actually become convinced that we should all bring monarchy back in fashion. Monarchy is that old system where everyone is ruled by just one king, whom I presume was chosen by God – like King Saul or King David... At present I like the odds on this King Jesus fellow (the title "Christ" simply means "King"): I wouldn't mind HIM ruling over us for a term or two... Also, with just one king on the throne, it would be easier to forgive all debts & declare a jubilee, an economic renewal or "reset"; for, in a monarchy, all debt ultimately is owed to the king, thus the king can just say "Ah, forget about what you all owe me: I love you people; I forgive all your debt – now let's have a party!"

Ideas for parables

When I finish college and get my master's degree in cult-mongering, I'm gonna start up my small cult and have a bunch of disciples, like say twelve or thirteen: a baker's dozen. And I'll need parables to teach them, so, being anti-capitalist, I'll probably talk a lot about debt. So I can have one parable where the King has a Servant who owes him ten zillion dollars, and the King says "Servant, pay up!" and the Servant answers, "Gimme a second to go see if I can round up a little capital..." and the Servant will approach two or three of his Friends who "owe him big time", and he'll say to each one "Don't worry about paying me the full forty fathoms of unwanted advances & favors that you owe me: just give me what you can afford, and we'll call it even," so, by doing this, the Servant is able to scrounge up twenty bucks, and he returns to the King and says, "Here's all I can pay you today, Mr. Christ," and the King says, "Please, call me Jesus," and the Servant says, "OK Lord, here's what I got," and he hands the King a double eagle, in other words a twenty-dollar bill ($20 is a denomination of U.S. currency); and the King says: "This'll do; never mind about paying the rest of the zillion dollars on your tab; I'll just kill my own son and call it even: for his blood will cover the balance of the account." And the Servant says, "Seriously? Thanks!"

This parable will signify how generous our King in Heaven is: for we owe him everything, even our very soul was manufactured in his smithy, forged like a coin, and God doesn't even ask anything in return for this free gift of life, except eternal disobedience: that would be my twist on all the popular religions, or at least on the only religion that I really know about, which is the one that my mother taught me, Reformed Protestantism, which teaches that God demands obedience from his creation; so when I myself get to devise the rules and regulations for my own cult, I'll reverse this idea and say "God demands dis-obedience from us" and here I'll quote that famous line from "Song of Myself":

He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher.

Plus, from Moby Dick, these words that Ahab yells to the fire:

...I burn with thee; would fain be welded with thee; defyingly I worship thee!

Also I'll have other variants of the above parable: I'll have one for each type of debt situation that can be experienced:

Like, one tale will have the King demanding a full settlement for his most pious account, and the Servant responsible for it will say "I can't pay anything"; and the King will forgive him and send him on his way. But then this Servant will meet one of his Underlings who owes him money, and the Underling will say: "I'm flat broke, please forgive me!" But the Servant will answer: "Negative, Yeshua: I'm calling the Wall Street Cops, you lazy peacenik," and these Enforcers of the Law then come and beat the Underling and repossess his belongings and evict him from his residence.

This parable will be popular with the modern believers who like to attend the Christian Church and hear the words of Jesus about forgiveness; but then, when these churchgoers return to their small businesses and comfortable economic arrangements, they hold their own debtors' feet to the fire.

And I'll make up a whole lot more variants of this same parable, and I'll recite them at the park, and at Gabella Street Brasserie's "Open Mic Night", as I explained.

But in the earlier parable, the one I told first, where the Servant goes and collects partial payments from his Comrades and delivers the sum to the King in the form of a crisp twenty (a paper bill worth $20 USD), I'll sometimes add a scene where the King takes the banknote in his hands and stares at it in fascination a long time and then looks up at his Servant and points to the illustration on the greenback and asks "Whose is this image?" And then the Servant shall answer: "Andrew Jackson." And the King will then look up and say unto him, "Who's that?" Now the Servant laughs: "Haven't you heard? He's the sitting U.S. Prez!"

Now the King hearing this becomes almost blue but mastering himself grows yellow and at last white pink and smiling; & then declares:

"Pay Mr. Jackson in bills that look like Mr. Jackson; but pay back God with things that look like God." (Mark 12:16-17)

And the Servant will say "But you yourself, in your holy-ghostwritten autobio, established this symmetry!" and here the Servent quotes two verses from Genesis (1:26-27):

God said 'Let us make Andrew Jackson in our image, after our likeness.' So God created Andrew Jackson in his own image: male and female created he Mademoiselle Jackson.

"So this," continues the Servant, "PROVES that Andrew Jackson is not only the cause of but also the solution to the gender pay gap. We just need to get him in touch with his feminine side."

Reestablishing contact

We should now try to bring this back around to the idea of mob rule; maybe by noting that you can't have true democracy if more than half of your populace is disenfranchised. And, by considering further factors, you might even bring that portion as high as 99%. But then our competitor's cult might counter by broadcasting a parable about how 1% of sheep are more precious than all the rest of the global population, thus they should own everything and call all the shots, because they are lost.

A counter-parable by Bankster Jesus

How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. (Matt. 18:12-13)

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