25 February 2019

It's a very interesting subject, and you seem to have mastered it.

Dear diary,

Everything’s annoying. It’s a get-rich-quick world. And the worst is that the cheating bullies who hog all the candy can just hire choruses of smooth-talkers to follow them around singing sentimental jingles.

Thus they obscure their recrudescence like a smoke-dome. Like a pillar of cloud and fire. I wonder if that’s what Yahweh was originally: just a businessman slightly ashamed of how he arrived at his fortune.

People wonder how humankind got here. (By “here” I mean Earth.) I wonder that too. The big mistake that the seed-planters made (if we are to advance from the assumption that humans were planted like seeds by some alien species, as a way to keep the universe rife with evil) is that they forgot to program the voice of a creature to fall off once it "loses the game", once it (socially) fails. Like how, when the angels escaped from heaven, their wings fell off, so now they’re all just regular homo sapiens. When you descend into loss, after aspiring to ascend to greatness, at least your ability to articulate (free speech) should fall off, so that you can’t complain. Cuz that’s just annoying for everyone. God doesn’t want to hear his ex-lover saying bad things about him (I’m thinking of Satan from Milton’s Paradise Lost); and we failures would rather just suffer our fate in silence (I’m thinking of Jesus), instead of feeling almost an inexplicable duty to carp about it. Whitman says of the faculty of speech, in “Song of Myself”:

It provokes me forever, it says sarcastically,
Walt you contain enough, why don't you let it out then?

As it is commanded us, in the biblical Book of Job (2:9)

Curse God and die.

And as Hamlet says to Horatio, right before expiring:

Tell my story!

Why all this cursing and storytelling? Why can’t we all just crawl, silently and peacefully, into the back of a cave, like that goat from Robinson Crusoe, and die like men?

In my case, the delusion stems from the idea that maybe if someone in futurity deigns to skim my affidavit, they’ll snap to their senses & overthrow the Demiurge. But that’s a silly comfort, like reminding yourself that “someone out there loves you”; for, verily, verily, I say unto thee: There will be no readers in the future. There’ll be other things, but none of them’ll be able to read. That’s why our prototypes planted their antitype in the first place: they were wishful thinkers, daydreamers; johnny-come-latelys. They probably hoped that we’d understand the meaning of all their crop circles and pyramids and stuff. Mont Blanc; Chocorua; Rhodes’ Colossus; The Great Wall of China… Whatever message they were trying to get across to us — even if we could understand it, we’d rather ignore it and go our own way. Our intentions are aimed at an incompatible X.

Be fruitful and multiply. That was the original commandment, not “Take up the cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34). In the beginning, it was simply “Fuck off, and fill this abyss.” He even preached it to our housepets:

God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind… and God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.” (Genesis 1:21-22)

My point is this: Those who procreate vigorously, even if most of your pregnancies happen on accident, as they should — you’re doing the LORD’s work. And those who live by the sword and die by the sword, who crucify and are crucified — you’re doing the LORD’s work, as well. Now, why would you do that? The question is for both of you: procreators and anticreators — The LORD’s work, I mean: Why do it? He obviously does not have our best interests in mind.

And the flipside of my point is this: God made living creatures to be basically hell-bent on their own hyperinflation; I mean, we’re guaranteed to maintain a state of overproduction, so that our supply always outweighs our demand; thus our value plummets and we’re bought and sold cheap in the markets; HOWEVER there is one holy being, set apart from the rest, which is neither man nor beast, and which is naturally blessed with scarcity: that is the U.S. greenback. Note that it is impossible to find a single verse in the Bible (pick a Bible, any Bible) where God commands all money to “be fruitful and multiply”. That’s why most of the big-box religions prohibit usury; they ban interest. For how does money fuck and form a family? By way of interest (dividends, profits, returns, percentages, gains). Forty thousand dollars lent out at a rate of 5% interest leaves us with Money-ancestors plus Money-offspring. But this is illegal, spiritually speaking; for God not only neglected to command money to increase and multiply: he explicitly forbade it.

If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as a creditor; neither shalt thou lay upon him interest. (Exodus 22:25)

And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; do not charge interest of him, or fines or fees: but fear thy God. Thou shalt not lend him thy money upon interest, nor lend him thy merchandise for increase. (Leviticus 25:35-37)

But God doesn’t normally write good commandments — most of his laws are atrocious; so why this bright spot? Did he make a mistake? Most likely, the answer is Yes, the LORD made a mistake; but I’ll try to conjure up some reason to explain this one away:

We all know that the LORD God is a narcissist. That may be the only fact that all people can agree upon, whether infidel or believer. Now, what is the primary goal of every narcissistic businessman? That’s correct: His desire is to manufacture products that reflect his appearance. So the first thing he does is create the calm, clear sea, so that he can gaze upon the reflection of his own fat face:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said, “Let there be water”: and there was water. And the Spirit of God gazed upon her face in the restless waters. (Genesis 1:1)

Note that feminine pronoun: her gorgeous visage. That signifies that the Holy Spirit, First Person in the Trinity, equals the Mother. For the pattern of our present nightmare goes: Mother + Father = Child. And this Child, being a mixture of the sexes of its Parents, is called a “Genderless Robot”; and it must honor its Parents, and serve its Parents, and take over the Family Business.

OK so we have our God Narcissus who creates a sea to gaze into. The sea is God’s mirror. Now what does one do with a mirror? That’s right: one smashes it. As it is commanded, in the famous speech of Hamlet (“To be or not” etc.):

Take arms against the sea of troubles,
And, by opposing, end them!

This brings good luck, the smashing of the mirror of the sea: it multiplies one’s reflections sevenfold. So our narcissistic God cannot be happier. Now all these shards become so many divine reflections — “mini-deities” is their trademark name — and that’s why “Every thing that lives is holy”, as Blake always sez. Or as Whitman writes, in an early notebook fragment that he later worked into the ending of section 49 of “Song of Myself”, explaining how God becomes all creatures:

Lo, the sun;
Its glory floods the moon,
Which of a night shines in some turbid pool,
Shaken by soughing winds;
And there are sparkles mad and tossed and broken,
And their archetype is the sun.

The reason I’m showing how and why God first created water, to gaze into as a mirror, which he then smashes to become all living things, is to juxtapose this process with the process of money. I’m trying to explain why God chose to curse money and die, rather than inviting it to multiply via the miracle of childbirth like cows and bees (milk and honey — money’s favorite two commodities to enslave). God even declares, thru the amanuensis of his apostle (for all of Paul’s letters were dictated and actually written by the pen of Tertius Radnitsky: see Romans 16:22 “I, Teritus, who wrote Paul’s epistles, salute thee...”):

The love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Here “love” means “lust” or “fornication”: it is a reference to the prohibition of interest. Money must not create children. You can loan money, but you cannot receive in return more money than the amount that you lent. The original loan amount is therefore the Money-Father (to speak of the persons of the Trinity again); and the installment payments are the chopped up body of his Son. The twain (Father and Son) are consubstantial, as we remember from the very first verse of Saint John’s gospel, which speaks of Jesus (the Son) as the “Word” of God:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

So we have the Money-Father and the Money-Son. But there’s no Money-Mother, for the Holy Spirit is absent from the realm of finance; Money must not be distributed to everyone; Money cannot reproduce itself: Money is inherently SCARCE, which trait gives it its value. As Ahab says in Moby Dick:

...thou art but my fiery father; my sweet mother, I know not. Oh, cruel! what hast thou done with her?

The Holy Spirit pervades each and every one of us: we all come from the Mother & inevitably return to the Mother (“the sure-enwinding arms of cool-enfolding death: Dark mother always gliding near with soft feet,” as it is written, in “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” by Walt Whitman). Consider that Edmund is the most sinister character in Shakespeare’s King Lear, and it is implied that this is so because he is fatherless, even if the man himself argues otherwise (“Fut! I should have been that I am, had the maidenliest star in the firmament twinkled on my bastardizing”); now, if it is true that lacking a male progenitor will, at least statistically, expose one to worse influences and greater temptations; coupled with the additional truth that (as Blake says) every thing that lives is holy; then we can conclude that Money is un-holy, even evillest, because, contra life, it neither springs from nor returns to any Mother — yes, tragicker than being Fatherless, Money is Motherless. It can neither taste of self-replication nor death. — This is why vampires signify ultra-rich moneylenders. They need your blood because, although immortal, the one phenomenon over which Money-addicts have no purchase-power is TIME. It just keeps gushing forward relentlessly: valueless because overabundant; however, by that same token, priceless. Think of it: The fountain of youth IS the fountain of blood, in the famous hymn by William Cowper:

There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from EMMANUELS veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

In conclusion, we are all divine siblings of Jesus—children of God—whose vital essence is spilled daily and forever, so that the rich can continue to enjoy their carefree lifestyle.

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