06 May 2019

On some problems I have with certain beings in this world

The obligatory image is a postcard ad that I received in the mail with the books that I ordered (see the end of this entry for details); it is unedited, other than obscuring the face of the deceased.

Dear diary,

Our hometown’s “feathered friends” are becoming insufferable:

In my country, in early spring, the sun begins to rise before the night is even finished. When this happens, all the birds surrounding our house go totally bonkers. And our windows are thin and leaky, so the outside noise barges in and rudely affronts us, when we’re trying to sleep. From just a few hours after midnight until the actual morning blooms, we’re surrounded by birdsong: insistently glittering chitter-chatter, at a very high volume. It sounds like a glass chandelier in its death throes.

And consider that these birds are not even elected by We the People; and their reign super·spans entire presidential administrations.

What happened is that the monied bosses of the Toil Party installed bird·kind (against public opinion) as the running mate of longtime winner Orpheus, for they knew that Orpheus was soon to be torn in tatters, thus rendering him unable to finish his term.

Sure enough, Orpheus got sparagmos’d in the woods, and the birds rose to power. The first thing they did was sign into fate the Avian Menace (A.M.), an agency that does not answer to human sleepers. The A.M.'s members are dictatorially appointed rather than subject to democratic vote; and their chirping is incessant: to this day, the bedrooms of Thief River Falls are plagued by their uproar.


Yet are ducks even birds? — I only ask because, this morning, amid that feathered orchestra’s anti-symphony, there was ONE noticeably louder noise of belligerence, marking its own slow time among the rest of the hubbub, and it would not relent. The birds collectively were like a zillion tingling triangles; but, all the while, repeatedly, like a merchant barking his wares, was the voice of this duck: WAAH… WAAH… WAAH… WAAH… (apparently attempting to wail the English word quack.)

What’s our world coming to? These little animals are out of control. If we don’t do something immediately to bridle their pollution of our audio environment, we may never again get any peace and quiet. Science Itself tells me that we have only twelve, or, at most, fifteen spans of time to enjoy before Earth’s atmosphere is dominated by irksome birdsong. Think about that: Do you want your grandchildren inheriting a world where they can’t even listen to a newscaster read to them a report concerning their own government’s agencies secretly slaughtering civilian multitudes, without the tweets and chirps and cock-a-doodle-doos of literally bird-brained liquishitters (for they shit only liquid; that is, excepting the larger waterfowl such as ducks, geese, and swans — but there’s legislation underway that would rechristen these latter nuisances “honkflesh” rather than birds, on account of their trump, in contradistinction from their non-aquatic cronies whose excretions are perma-soft) sustaining a cacophony as sonic backdrop?

And I hate my boss. (I know I’m supposed to be writing an op-ed piece against the birds, but I’m a little preoccupied.) Now, when I say “I hate my boss,” I don’t mean that I wish that my boss were no longer my supervisor but rather my own underling. I’m not THAT cruel: I wouldn’t wish the state of employee-hood on my worst enemy (and I pretty much just proved this an instant ago, as my worst enemy happens to be my boss). I just mean that I dislike talking to my boss, because my boss doesn’t listen. He always wants to discuss the events of our world, and he loves to grandstand about politics, but whenever I answer his fallacious claims with the Truth, he just changes the subject. And he never says “I’m sorry, Bryan; I was wrong, and you are right.”

I know that the pro-capitalism hardliners in my readership will wince when I say this, but my boss’s way of treating me makes the ideas of the system of communism sound appealing. And when I say “communism” of course I mean my own misunderstanding of that term. I take it as referring to a directly democratic government BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE which operates in accordance with the principle “from each according to ability; to each according to need”. In other words, when my boss treats me unfairly (by which I mean that he does not agree with my argument — he even goes so far as to refuse to admit that he’s converted to my political belief; and sometimes I suspect that he’s secretly refusing to convert to my belief, as if my stance and arguments did not persuade him) it’s appealing to consider a world where the basic needs of ALL people are simply met: no questions asked, no hidden charges. Cuz then I could say to my boss:

“If you would like to persist in holding your own views, and you stubbornly refuse to admit that my style of thinking is the only humane way (I AM the truth and the life, as John 14:6 says), especially with regard to this whole Russiagate fiasco, then au revoir sucker: goodbye, until we meet again. For in less than four decades you & I both will die and meet God, because our mutual good deeds will undoubtedly land us in heaven, and, on that day, God will prove to you in person that I was right all along. You can ask him directly & say: ‘Dear God, remember that Saturday in 2019 when Bryan said that the same intelligence agencies that lied the U.S. populace into the international crime against Iraq are now using the same techniques to lie us into conflict with Russia (not to mention Venezuela [& Iran])? Was he correct about that assertion? Cuz I think that he was just bloviating hot air — I mean, look: he’s Bryan Ray, the Nazarene, born in Poplar, Wisconsin. He’s never had a proper haircut in his life; for, in this hair·style·less·ness lies his success. And what good has ever come out of that little town in Wisconsin? The kid was born in a horsetrough, for Christ’s sake!’ And God will answer you to your face: ‘My grandson Bryan was right about this one matter. He did his homework; give him credit.’ And then fire and smoke will spue from God’s blowhole.”

The reason that I’d be able to say all this to my boss is that I’d know that my needs in life are basically secure; in other words, I’m not impelled by the threat of disease or the potential of homelessness to write shoddy articles for his company’s e-zine (electronic magazine), which claims that it’s for leftists but has been moving steadily rightward all along.

On a brighter note, two books that I’m really excited about arrived in the mail just this instant. One is called POSSESSED BY MEMORY: the Inward Light of Criticism by Harold Bloom; and the other is Max Blumenthal’s THE MANAGEMENT OF SAVAGERY: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump. I now open Max’s book, since it was packaged at the top of the shipping box, and the very first thing I see is a quote (one of three that serve as the volume’s epigraph) with the attribution “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the House Appropriations Committee, April 23, 2009”:

Let’s remember here, the people we are fighting today, we funded twenty years ago, and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union … There’s a very strong argument, which is: it wasn’t a bad investment to end the Soviet Union, but let’s be careful what we sow because we will harvest.

I just wanna underline that phrase “it wasn’t a bad investment to end the Soviet Union”. Imagine being a part of a group who thinks of ending sovereign nations not only as an option but as an investment. End a country?—I can’t even end a BLOG POST (look at this entry that I’m writing here). How could you “end” a vast nation and not at least feel a little bit guilty after doing so? The very first nightmare I ever remember experiencing is a dream I had when I was a toddler:

I was sitting with my brother Paul at the kitchen table (he was my only sibling at the time: my sister wasn’t born yet) and we were playing with clay, as was our wont. Then, on a whim, I put down the clay & decided instead to reach over & take up my brother himself in my hands, and I began to mold him, just like the clay that we had been fashioning; and I rolled poor Paul up into a ball, and I kept compressing the Paul-ball tighter and tighter (I resented my brother, back then: I wanted to be the only child), and I pressed and rolled him up until Paul disappeared.

So it was just like Cain and Abel: In my dream, I killed my brother.

It was also like the reverse of God’s creation of Adam; for, lo: God took clay from the ground and fashioned it into a self-portrait (this story is told in the second chapter of Genesis); then God blew into the statue’s nostrils, and the thing came alive. Whereas I, even I, took the living human being who was my brother and squished him back into earth-clay-dust.

My point in telling you this is to emphasize how horrible I felt after experiencing that dream. I awoke immediately after squashing Paul down to oblivion, & I cried & cried, alone in my bed at night; & I vowed to myself that I’d never annihilate Paul in real life. Killing is too much responsibility: I recall feeling, during that split-second of dream-time (before I awoke) when I grasped the truth that Paul was in fact eliminated, that now it was incumbent upon ME ALONE to prove as good as two distinguished lads. That’s overloading the shoulders of a toddler.

So anyway, that’s why I hate birdsong, and why I’m happy that my book order finally arrived, and why ducks should get their avian license removed and be considered a separate obscenity, and why I’m right about Russia.


M.P. Powers said...

Your boss sounds like most people I know. To bend even slighly in a political debate would cost the soul too much. Better to wallow in wrongheadedness and pretend you're right. Ain't no one can prove rhetoric, no how.

I appreciate your recent links to my blog on Twitter, Sir Bryan... As you may have noticed I am taking a little break from there, Facebook, Instagram. I just get too sucked in and can't do it anymore. Hopefully it lasts, but we shall see. The only reason I'm on any of those sites in the first place is to get people to my blog and they never come. Bastards. Hah.

Bryan Ray said...

Ah you caught me committing in two shameful crimes at once:

1. airing of a political vendetta, and

2. still using Twitter.

I wish that I could get it thru my head that, no matter how much I learn about current world-politics, I will never have the power to ACTUATE my knowledge; therefore my remaining obsessed with all this rapid info will only deteriorate my mental health (what's left of it hahaha!!)... I hear you loud & clear, about the need to rest from the annoying networks. You're wise: I should follow your example. (Perhaps I will!) But as long as I'm still there, I'll keep sharing your stuff; don't worry about responding: I really just believe in your writing — I'll never forget how overwhelmed I felt while reading your initial publication of Fortuna Berlin, and then your poetry collection: the combination of those two volumes was a left-right punch, resulting in a knockout (the good kind of KO: aesthetic bliss)... Maybe your decision will provoke me to switch my blog over to Wordpress, as I've planned to do but only keep neglecting on account of laziness... ALSO I still wanna send you photos: again, I'm just shy about my appearance, so to seek out past or present portraits requires a certain type of courage, but your drawings are so soulful & inspiring that I'm determined to supply you with source material... Lastly, I'm in a catch-22 because I heartily applaud your abandonment of the online world, but at the same time I desperately hope that we don't lose touch, so in case you strip back from all these interfaces even further, please at least note my email and keep in touch: it's tershyrad at gmail dot com (I somehow got stuck with that old pen name from my FB days, the "tershy" for Tertius and "rad" for Radnitsky, with no space between them). I hope that's not too confusing; it's the same as the root in the URL for this blog here.

Thanks for the kind note, & I'm in total solidarity with you.

M.P. Powers said...

I have noted your email, but I will still be coming around here regularly as I am a big fan of your blog. That said, I do encourage you to come to Wordpress. It's much easier for people to comment and follow over there. As for the photos, I totally understand your hesitancy in finding and sending them out. I have lately started to think it's a mistake to offer to draw people because it can make them feel uncomfortable and if you don't get it 100% right, it makes both of you look bad. Glad you like what I've done of you so far. When I get some time, I WILL improve upon those and send you the results.

Of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, I like Twitter the best. Facebook's just horrible, Instagram is mindblowingly superficial, and though Twitter too is mostly a cesspool, there is a lot of good and interesting stuff on there. For me it mostly comes down to time. When I am active on Twitter, it just eats hours of my day.

Anyway, here's my email in case you want to reach out or send the pics there. mppowers61 AT gmail DOT com.


Bryan Ray said...

[1 of 2]

Ah thanks! I'll send you a quick note on email for convenience, and I'll say two things here on this clunky blog comment box for the sake of symmetry...

I really think I'm gonna make a super-effort to start using Wordpress, cuz I agree with you about its appeal and ease -- everything about it seems just right, especially the mood of the community when it comes to writing: it seems like the place attracts a fair amount of distinguished minds.

Ever since you joined Instagram, I planned on using it; and I swear I would have; but for my first many months there I didn't have a ‘smart’ phone, so I couldn't use the app, and they wouldn't allow one to post anything without their app! So then enough time passed and I just never initiated the new habit. A lot of this online stuff seems to revolve around habit.

Facebook I hated because of its behind-the-scenes trickery with the newsfeed -- all I ask is that my followers (and whoever I myself choose to follow) get to see each others postings in the order that they were published, without them being sifted or censored or curated; but Facebook insists on sifting, censoring, and curating, secretly in the background automatically, and the program they employ to do so is influenced by the frequency at which that people interact with one's postings; and since MY postings are especially averse to interaction — cuz my stuff's so weird that it scares people so that they take shelter and watch me from afar rather than coming close and chatting (which is fine by me, I swear; tho detrimental to my survival in a system based solely on mingle-rate) — I get practically shadow-banned.

[To be continued...]

Bryan Ray said...

[2 of 2]

Twitter I hated with all my guts, the first time I used it; and I continue to hate it with all my guts to this day, hahahahaha! — But I stay on, ONLY because of the independent journalists & artists (etc.) who continue to post there — cuz it's a generally PUBLIC forum, like a worldwide bulletin board, it's the most convenient way to keep up with current events. At least a couple times per month, I find myself very seriously contemplating deleting my Twitter account, because, like you said, it's so time-consuming; and also because it's IMPOSSIBLE to read & communicate in such a strictly confined & (literally) backwards format... but I end up remaining there for no good reason, with no end in sight — it's one of those things where the reasoning is of a “can’t beat em so might as well join em” tenor: Seemingly every important personality that I’m aware of has a user account on Twitter (from our hideous prez to my hero Lynch to artists like us) and nobody wants to be there, but unless we all collectively leave AT ONCE, we're simply stuck there, since it's the only place (besides Facebook) where all people convene; and I feel that the majority of us are starving for social interaction, togetherness, and genuine community, because the modern, computer-dominated universe is so tediously dull.

Sorry, I'm just babbling, but I'm finding it cathartic to whine like this -- one last note about Facebook is that it's too family-dominated; you got your old friends from school, from work, and all your in-laws or exes, etc.: so it's like a wet blanket on all exuberance; it's like nosy neighbors; everyone’s aware of everyone else's business (by which I mean private affairs), and everyone's secretly judging everyone else, and forgiveness is in short supply. Facebook is smarmy like a small town in the country, whereas Twitter is like the big city, annoying and foul more often than not, but at least it presents the illusion of possibility. I guess I’m saying that I’d rather get beat up by a gang than reprimanded by a church.

Mostly, however, I wish that I could gain tons of fame & power (& moolah!) cuz then I would QUIT ALL the social networks — or rather hire a team of propagandists to run my social sites for me ... I'd pay them well! (To be clear, I’d still write blogs, of course, all the time — I truly love blogging; cuz, as we’ve established, blogging is essentially essay composition or journaling.)

—Anyway, I'll drop you a line via gmail, so if something doesn't come thru from me, then that means I probably screwed up when typing your address so feel free to berate me. (I mean, if you don’t hear from me immediately, drop me a nastygram with the subject like “WTF”.)

Lastly I assume you understand that I'm writing way too much here in this comment just because it amuses me to do so at the moment — whenever I catch myself in the act of longwinded chatterboxing, I think to myself: Well Bry you could either cut this thing down to a polite size OR just admit that you've already overstepped the bounds of propriety so ya might as well rudely continue to drone ad nauseam. So chalk this up to me being a text-mad fool!

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