12 July 2023

My Relationship with Jenny — Part 6: Premarital Passion

One night, Jenny and I were in our pajamas, lying in bed. Normally, we both pass out after drinking our beer, but, on this occasion, we must not have consumed enough, for we just lay there thinking, staring at the ceiling in silence. Eventually we turned and met eyes; then we both giggled and blushed. I then switched positions to try to get some sleep, but, as I did so, my arm accidentally brushed against Jenny’s chest. I turned and started to apologize, but her hand quickly covered my mouth; then, when she rested her other hand on the place where my bathing suit covers, my eyes grew wide. She pulled the covers up over our heads, so it was dark. Then we both got into our birthday suits; and her body felt warm like a muffin.

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