21 March 2015

Day 2 of wandering thoughts

Yesterday I typed some wandering thoughts here, but I had to quit before I was done; so I’ll type more thoughts today; and if Worldly Necessity interrupts me again, I’ll finish tomorrow. I hope that it doesn’t take more than three days to empty out my mind.

Obligatory Image

Before I re-begin, I need to share a picture from a TV ad. (I’ll share another image, from the same ad, at the end of this entry.) Here is a remote control with the words Space Command written underneath:

I wonder why people so rarely question their superiors. I’ve heard that a jury can choose to acquit a defendant, regardless of guilt, as a way to neutralize bad laws. And police officers might refuse to aid a big bank in evicting a tenant. Perhaps these types of behavior are practiced often, but they don’t get widely reported, because they’re not deemed ugly enough to gain the attention of the masses.

Who are these masses, by the way? Is it true that they only flock toward sex and violence? Has there ever been a chance to test the effectiveness of any other material? Is such a test even possible?

I’ve seen protests where police officers are summoned to maintain order – this makes me wonder if there ever was a time when the police altogether switched sides and joined forces with the protestors. I wonder what would result if that happened. Maybe the federal military would be called in? But then, what if the military followed suit with the local police and joined the protest as well? Would the solidarity of these vast groups of people mean anything to anyone? Maybe the event would get retold by Hollywood.

I remember when the ancient priests coerced us into divvying our possessions – they said: “God commands you to give us some of your stuff.” Ten percent was the tax rate in those days, if my unreliable memory can be trusted. This is how the priests were able to afford to waste all of their time studying literature.

But I’ll admit that I admire the priests, in the same way that I admire movie villains. Upon hearing a wise man say: “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” I myself decided to dabble in writing. (Being worthless parasites to society, writers are indistinguishable from priests.) So I authored some books and even my own holy scripture. It’s not hard to write books – you just string words together: they’re all in the dictionary, free to use because their copyright has expired. (I’d be happy to collect royalty payments for the word the.)


My electric-shock timer just warned me to wrap this up, so I’ll give one last extra-small half-baked thought about a familiar topic, which, ever since I recently addressed it, has been giving birth to sidecar thoughts in my mind.

During the Tower of Babel fiasco, God came down and confused humankind by shattering the lingua franca like a mirror. Then, while centuries of bad luck were passing, the English tongue came to dominate. So God created the Internet; and there appeared a chatmosphere with zillions of social networks.

Today, many users of Facebook are bewildered by the messages of Twitter – even when they are written in their own native tongue – whereas the users of either network can decipher any unknown language with ease, by using an automatic translator, as long as its message is delivered on a familiar network.

In ancient times, language itself barred humankind from uniting in harmony. Nowadays, these online ‘advancements’ keep us enslaved to our ancestors’ poetic notions; which is to say: The social networks prevent us from outshining God.

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