06 January 2015

Jan six blog post yes!!!

First, let me say this: I did not even realize that I had been absent. The truth is that I was offline convalescing from the high holy days. During this time of year, tradition demands that I neglect my professional blogging duties and instead post the stupidest things on less noble networks. Now I'll sweep everything up.

I drew the above picture specially for this blog entry.

A word more about my condition, regarding the shocking news that I relayed in this post's initial paragraph. I feel like I'm doing a comedy show, by the way. I've not changed at all, except that my wig is now as white as the hair of Charlton Heston playing Moses playing Ray Wise playing Leland Palmer.

And my pen name is Bryan.

Now here’s a short quote from Calvin Tomkins’ biography of Marcel Duchamp:

Duchamp spent several days as Denis de Rougemont’s guest in a big summer house on the shore of Lake George in the Adirondacks, and de Rougemont’s diary records their discussions. Duchamp took an elitist position in some of them, arguing that the American masses could never be educated and that it was important to react against their impatience and their materialism by cultivating silence, slowness and solitude.

Now here's a bit of dialogue from the film Moulin Rouge (1952):

SARAH: You should not drink so fast, Monsieur Lautrec. It burns your stomach.

HENRI: I'm thirsty. Please.

SARAH: Wine is for thirst.

HENRI: At least you did not say water.

SARAH: Water is for Americans.

HENRI: Some men can swing by their heels on the flying trapeze. Some men can become president of the republic. I can drink cognac.

Now here are some things that I wrote in various places for various reasons – also, for those who love images, I have included some images:

That last unlucky event has lengthy arms and can easily join with the next unlucky event.

  • Now I’m the pink David Bowie.
  • Now I’m the blue David Bowie.
  • Now I’m the lime David Bowie.

My sole campaign promise? I will never install a pureed pork baptismal.

FACT: All fabrics, when worn as clothing, ideally should make the sound of crinkling tinfoil.

Here is why I like water. It often just flows. I mean it's so neat.

Fritz Lang once shared Jean-Luc Godard's meme that said: Facebook's "cover photo" is only good for displaying snakes and funerals. Here is what my "cover photo" looks like on this warm day of so-called Jan six blog post:

Moreover, I finally found a pic that says TV • CBL/SAT • DVD/BD • DVR/PVR • VCR • AMP • CD • MD

I must thank Thomas Heise for suggesting that I add the initials for minidisc (MD) to the lower right corner of the above image. Originally there was nothing but a blank space there.

Here's a torn piece of cardboard:

And below is a photo that I previously was using for my profile picture on AOL—oops I mean Facebook. But I ended up having to delete it because of all the complaints that it was generating.

Finally, the image below is a pink note that I found on the side of a cardboard box plus a fragment of red tissue paper photographed on top of a pamphlet titled PLANE FACTS which I beg you to enjoy:


Today I recorded myself reading from one of my books. If you want to read along and catch all my mistakes, here is a transcript.


My ‘furniture beats’ are made to be ignored. Every time I finish ten tracks, I collect them into an album, in celebration of mediocrity. The latest album is now available on my TERSHITSKY page. Alternately, it's also free to be pooh-poohed on YouTube. Below is the cover art, which may contain pictures of fish.


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