10 April 2015

Astonishing image of an envelope

I posted nothing on this blog today or yesterday because all of my time got stolen by the devil Necessity; but I happened to draw nonsensical scribbles on the front of a letter while I was waiting for my pregnancy results (I’m just joking – I have no idea how babies are made), so I thought that it would be good to photograph this event and let it go viral. I hope to talk to myself here more very soon.


Unknown said...

You actually read your mail? Or do you just photograph it?

Unknown said...

Resize yer effing photo so I can post it in order for it to go viral on FB!

Bryan Ray said...

I misread everything, yes. And all of the images that I share on this blog are actually photo-realistic oil paintings.

Bryan Ray said...

Please feel free to type all four letters of fuck, without self-censoring. I love every single word in the English language, especially the ones that taste good.

Unknown said...

I'm British we don't say fuck nor type it

Unknown said...

Will you resize your photo an post it so can share?

Bryan Ray said...

I love biblical proverbs.

Bryan Ray said...

I'll believe it only when I see a chapter-and-verse citation from holy scripture.

Bryan Ray said...

I didn't know that you were serious when you requested this before - honestly, I don't know what you mean. I'm not sure if it's too big or too small. How would I know what size to make it? Is it really that hard to share an image nowadays? If you really want it for Friendster, maybe I'll post it on my main page, and you can share it from there... You should be able to find it HERE.

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