28 August 2022

Mean Speech

All of the people I’ve ever met have agreed that mean speech is impolite. No one approves of a man entering a neighborhood and loudly berating its residents without reason. When I was a youth, I was extremely immature, so I would stand in the street and make mean speeches about anyone and anything. One time, a group of hardened gangsters passed before me, and I made fun of their appearance. This infuriated them. Another time, I learned that one of my colleagues abhorred being called a certain nickname, so I began addressing him by that name ostentatiously and repeatedly. To this day, that man dislikes me. 

Now that I’ve grown up and lost most of my energy, I no longer speak meanly to anyone — I’m rather meek and deferential, out of fear for my person — but, back in the past, I did not care: I was reckless and rude. Everywhere that I went, I would holler insults and make folks mad. A few times, I caused individuals to break down & cry, using harsh words alone. Mean speech is a powerful weapon.

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