16 March 2023

Beer of Darkness

It is brewed in the fiery black caverns of Hell, so, when you drink it, it enshrouds you with a sinister curse: it is Beer of Darkness, with phantoms and false gods included. Good to drink when you’re inside your coffin. Real witches stir it up in a huge pot, to drain all the lightness out, and it has immoral seasonings. If you enjoy toxic evil demonology, then drink Beer of Darkness and help remedy the present economic recession. Pour out a frosty mugful and relax while dark spirits bother you. They all want to try a sip; for this is the best beer on the black market. Let’s make a toast to death. Come closer: help me check if my breath now smells like ectoplasm. This beer is darker than nightfall. Instead of giving a buzz, it causes discomfort. I advise you to drink it all night. Look now, in the flames: there’s a glowing red body burning on your bed. This Beer of Darkness is the Devil’s Brew. Fill up a pail with this wickedness. It has very low calories. Now I’m unable to breathe.

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