25 March 2023

Presocratic Philosophy

Presocratic philosophy is enjoyable and entertaining. That term “presocratic” signifies anything prior to Socrates; so we’re talking about guys like William, Luke, George, Axel, Jeff, Thomas, Paul, and Zechariah. (Plus all the Atomists were also friendly and helpful.) Now I’ll talk about some of the things that they said.

The Presocratics tackled the tough questions that are always on everybody’s mind, such as: “What IS all this stuff?” Thomas answered that everything is water. This made all the other philosophers laugh; but they could not figure out why the idea was flawed. Then William came along and said: No; everything is fire. Boy oh boy, you gotta admit, that’s quite a thought. But then Paul stood up and announced: You all are wrong; everything is Christ. Now, hearing this, William frowned and replied in annoyance: How can Christ, who is unchanging, become the building blocks for everything that exists, in a world that is endlessly in flux? So William and Paul engaged in a philosophical contest, which Paul won because he cheated and murdered William.

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