26 March 2023

Public Address Delivered on the Ides of March

I gave you my entire being. And, every night, I would fall asleep thinking of all the wonderful things that you said to me. Once, you placed your hand on my shoulder and told me that I’m precious. You taught me everything I know. The first time we met, I froze up and was unable to speak, due to my high regard for you. Later, having grown close, we used to walk down by the pond and confide to each other our deepest thoughts. 

I can’t believe that you disappeared. I called the County Sheriff’s office and reported you as missing, and they gathered a search party and combed the landscape: I joined up and worked until I could barely stand. When our efforts proved fruitless, I collapsed, sobbing. I wish that I could hold you near. How did you vanish? Where did you go? I would give anything to know the answer to these burning questions. But I’ve never received the slightest clue about what happened, or whether you’re even still alive. So I pray that you’ll hear this address that I have delivered. Until then, I will continue puffing on my water-pipe.

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