26 March 2023

Eggseller Apologia

Why in the world does anyone care if another person decides to sell her fertile supermodel eggs? I don’t understand why anyone would want to break this person’s bones and cause a riot that ends up getting TV news coverage around the clock. I’d gladly buy the fertile eggs of my favorite rap artist. Donating eggs to one’s community is something that most people would never dream of complaining about; however, when a glamorous woman with an attractive figure offers to put up her eggs for sale on the market, she is instantly branded as immoral. I think this is bad, because she should have the same right as anyone to do what she wants with her belongings. This is no joking matter. It’s the way that free trade works; if you don’t like it, then leave. 

Additionally, it irks me when people accuse us of “playing God,” just because we bought eggs from a supermodel to ensure that our children are born with beautiful bodies. Although I can’t refute this charge at present, I plan on writing an essay about it next year. 

So, in conclusion, go ahead and keep selling your fertile eggs. And, if you choose to order an adult beverage at a tavern, make sure to finish consuming its contents completely — I hate when, for instance, a movie star takes a sip from a cocktail and then abandons the drink while there’s still a significant amount of liquid remaining in its glass.

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